The Shadow Nines Dwelling


The Nines Story
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Shadow Humor

History behind the Shadow Nine...How we came to the World

Yes! The Shadow Nine has a History Page! Now, you may ask, what kind of history might we all have? Well to answer that...none. So HA!, dont leave!! I DIDNT MEAN IT!

The Shadow Nine came into being while we were in high school and out of sheer boredom. The group was my closest friends, and it just spawned from there. Shadow Humor came along when I ran into a writers block for TACT and needed something to pass time. At this point we got into Physics and all hell broke loose, HUMOR was written by two, three authors in a spiral that got passed around during the school day. Each new page was something different that lead into something else. Each "adventure" the NINE had were based on some point of truth. And i cannot express this enough, HUMOR IS BASED ON THE TINIEST ITTY BITTY PIECE OF TRUTH THAT YOU HAVE TO SEE WITH A GYNORMUS MAGNIFIYING GLASS. And so, each adventure lead to another and then, The NINE got into cyberspace.....



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